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Why Are We Here?

Together for a safer future

What do hackers want?

Unfortunately, some attackers just want to steal your data to prove they can. Monetary gain, access to free resources, or the ability to steal your users' identities don't motivate them. They just want to prove to themselves and perhaps their hacker friends that they can get past your defense.

Can you be attacked without knowing it?

If hackers break into your device or accounts, they can gain access to your money and personal information and become a victim of identity theft or spoofing. Identity theft is the theft of your personal information and phishing is the use of that information to commit fraud. You may see strange or inappropriate pop-ups on your phone, or see unfamiliar apps. Your battery may drain quickly and your phone may show higher data usage. 70% of digital attacks on finance and companies target banks. 16% attack insurance organizations. 14% attack other financial businesses.

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